Tuesday, February 18, 2014

magnetic wall paint

Even though this post does not have anything to do with my students, it is something I wanted to do, I thought it was fun.

 Today I ventured out and bought some magnetic wall paint. It is a primer that goes under colored latex paint that way any surface can be magnetic!
First off let me just say... AWESOME!
Secondly I also found dry erase paint!  DOUBLE AWESOME!!!! (will be completed this weekend)

I found it at home depot with a friend she is doing her wall too!

I taped the area that I wanted to be magnetic. Any shape you want! The box says you have about a 16 Sq ft area about of paint.  This is  about 4 1/2 ft x 7 ft.  I wanted a dividing line in the middle, so the kids know when to stop. 
Coat #1 
OMG this stuff stinks!  Open your windows if you can! It's very thick does not spread well.

Coat #2 
You can see the difference!  I hope it works was all was thinking at this point! Very very black!

Coat #3
 I couldn't even see where I was painting.  

It was very bumpy to the touch so I sanded it. You may want to grab a mask for the dust, I didn't want magnetic lungs.

LOOK it works!  I stuck my I <3 NY  magnet to it!
I have to wait 4 hours until I can paint the dry erase paint and that will have be another post!


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