my weebly's :
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You must answers questions using full sentences, art vocabulary that was utilized with in your work (texture, value, score, etc.), and evidence that supports your project.
These are the questions... you are to answer at least 4 of them about your work for your blog post.
This is the rubric for grading the blog posts.
“I learned many new techniques and processes while doing the sphere warm-up. I learned how to shade the whole sphere the local color, and then layer on colors to give the sphere more depth. The darkest color is the core shadow, and the lightest color is around the sphere's highlight. I also learned how to layer colors on top of one another in order to get the shade that you need. I gained skill with colored pencils because I learned how the amount of weight you put on the pencil determines how dark the shading is.”
“My art is original because I did it. I came up with the ideas and that makes it my own. I’m really happy with my work.”
Blog Posts
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Add text to receive the best grade.
You must answers questions using full sentences, art vocabulary that was utilized with in your work (texture, value, score, etc.), and evidence that supports your project.
Answer at least 4 questions, explain your answers, back up your answers
with why, how and what.
Don’t answer your questions with only yes or no.
Don’t answer questions with only one sentence. These are the questions... you are to answer at least 4 of them about your work for your blog post.
I Create Original Art
-think creatively
-develop original ideas |
How did you use your own unique ideas in your work?
Did you use a source for inspiration, then combine it with your own ideas to make it original? |
- learn techniques and processes
- explore media |
Did you learn new techniques or processes as part of the work for
this project?
Did you gain skill with familiar materials? |
I Communicate Through My Work.
- self-expression
- include personal interests - examine important issues |
What is this artwork intended to say?
What issues are you examining through your artwork? How is this artwork about who you are or what you like? |
I Take Risks
- try new media/ processes
- experiment |
Did you try something that you weren’t sure about as part of this
Did you pick a material or technique that was new or different over something that was familiar? |
We Collaborate
- share ideas and knowledge
- teach - help - critique |
Did you ask another student for feedback during your work process?
Did someone help you understand important information or inspire you? |
I Solve Problems
- try alternative solutions
- use mistakes as learning opportunities - plan |
How did you respond to challenges that occurred as you worked?
Did your work take an unexpected turn due to a mistake or did something happen that was unplanned? |
I Reflect
- analyze work and process
- plan |
When did you step back and analyze you work during this
Did you consider how ideas would work before you tried them? |
I Have a Global Awareness of Art making
- art in history and current artists
- 21st century skills - how technology affects art - art community |
Did you find inspiration from another artist or culture?
Did you use technology as a tool? Did you participate as an art community member? |
This is the rubric for grading the blog posts.
60 points total for each post
I Followed Directions Points
40 possible points in this section
20 points - minimum of 2 pictures 1 in progress and one completed
Content Points
60 possible points in this section
Level 3 - 60 points - your writing analyzes your work process honestly and explains your thinking clearly using art vocabulary. Your pictures provide visual evidence to support your writing.
“For this project I used oil pastels, and ended up gaining more proficiency then I had before. I learned that you can use the burnishing technique with oil pastels too. Not only does this make the colors look more vibrant but it also blends better if you apply it in layers. Using this technique I colored the flamingos pink with peach, yellow, red and white pastels.They blended well and gave the flamingos a natural color.”
“I learned many new techniques and processes while doing the sphere warm-up. I learned how to shade the whole sphere the local color, and then layer on colors to give the sphere more depth. The darkest color is the core shadow, and the lightest color is around the sphere's highlight. I also learned how to layer colors on top of one another in order to get the shade that you need. I gained skill with colored pencils because I learned how the amount of weight you put on the pencil determines how dark the shading is.”
Level 2 - 50 points - your writing is surface level, thoughts aren’t clearly explained. Your photos are related to what you write about but don’t provide clear evidence.
“My art was original. I found a picture of a bird to use as inspiration but I changed things. This made my art my own.”
To make it a three explain why you think your art is original, describe how you changed the picture and add art vocabulary.
“My art is original because I took an idea I found on Pinterest and made it my own by changing the bird to a fish. I also included a sunset for the background instead of solid black like the original because I wanted to include a beach theme. I used a picture I took on a family trip for the sunset, which made the drawing even more my own because the photo was my work”.
Level 1- 40 points - your writing is general and could apply to anyone’s work, thoughts aren’t explained. Your photos aren’t connected to your writing.