Monday, July 23, 2012

Wow! It's July already!  The time is moving fast!  I have been working on some new projects! Thanks to pinterest.  I'm so excited to show them to my students. 
Some bad news... 2 of my favorite teachers are leaving to go to other school districts. :( One of which has helped me move forward in all things tech! Ahhh sigh...I will miss her.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

First let me say that the internet is a wonderful place! Without it I would not be the teacher I am today!!

1. Artsonia~ this is where I put all of my students best works of art for the world to see. I'm so proud of them!  My day gets brighter whenever I see that light click on when they finally catch on to throwing on the pottery wheel in ceramics class. Or when they are really enjoying a project, the entire room is silent because they can't get enough.  Love it!

2. Pinterest~ thanks to my friend Lisa. She has gotten the entire school hooked on this site!  Who knew social book marking could be so much fun!  She even organized a pinterest potluck... you had to find you favorite (let me tell you how hard that was) recipe and bring it in for everyone to taste! So much fun!